Restoration of parquet flooring

The speciality of this job was that security equipment and data carriers had to be installed in the floors. To this end, the existing parquet had to be catalogued and removed. It was then refurbished and reinstalled after the relevant equipment had been provided. The picture shows a parquet floor in American cherry with cube-type maple inlays.

Neueinbau Intarsienboden

Intarsia floors were handled in the same way as described above. Every single piece was exactly catalogued to be able to reinstall it in line with the original. This example shows a first section of the intarsia star in maple and rosewood that will later cover the size of the room.

Das Endergebnis

Sanded and oiled, the ‚new’ intarsia floor gives the 2nd Lounge its own character.
For more pictures of the Restoration at Bellevue Palace, see our reference pages.

R.h. picture: Architectural photo Florian Profitlich